Dan Harris' Happify Videos

Dan Harris' Happify Videos

If you’ve been reading my posts here so far, you might have begun to suspect this is a Dan Harris fan site.  I’m going to be posting about other people’s material, I swear, but I began with Harris because his take on mindfulness is tuned very specifically for skeptical and secular beginners, which is what I am.  My plan’s to go through his materials first before graduating to others.

And with that said, here are two new and very short videos Harris made with Happify, with my takeaways.  If you’ve watched his other videos—posted here and here—you’ll be familiar with much of this.  These shorts are mostly just repackaged snippets of his lecture, but there's enough new in them to make them worthwhile.

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Dan Harris' "10% Happier" Talk at Google

Dan Harris' "10% Happier" Talk at Google

This Google Talk is Dan Harris' full presentation on mindfulness and his book, 10% Happier.  If you watched Charlie Rose's interview of Harris (posted here a few weeks ago), you should know the content of that interview is basically a condensed version of this talk—Harris even uses the same jokes, in the same places.  Though a lot of this talk was familiar to me, I still found it worthwhile because the full talk goes into greater depth and is followed by some interesting Q&A.

Highlights and takeaways, after the jump.

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Dan Harris on Mindful Meditation

Dan Harris on Mindful Meditation

“I’m talking about mindfulness meditation, which is the kind of meditation that has been the focus of most of the scientific studies.  It is simple, and secular… you don’t have to join a group, you don’t have to wear special outfits, you don’t have to believe in anything. … I’ll explain how to do it. … It’s not super complicated.”

This video is a few weeks old now, but I thought it’s worth sharing.  Dan Harris does a good job explaining mindful meditation without any crystally, new-age nonsense...

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